How To Connect your Bybit Account with Vestinda

Your Trading account in Bybit

With Bybit you can have multiple wallets. The Trading Account is the one that you need to topup in order to trade.

So first, please make sure you transfer the funds you want to allocate to trading in your Trading Account from the Funding Account.

Here is a tutorial on Bybit on how to do that:

Connecting Bybit with Vestinda is as simple as clicking one button

You can hook up your Bybit account in a few simple steps, without the need of creating complicated API keys

Step 1

Select Bybit from the list of available exchanges

Step 2

Click on the Connect with Bybit button

Step 3

You'll get redirected to Bybit and once you login using your credentials you will see the Bybit <> Vestinda connection details.

Make sure to check all boxes in the process, and click on Confirm. This will create a secure connection that will allow Vestinda to trade in your Bybit account.

Once confirmed, you'll get Redirected to Vestinda with success

For those who want to create an API key in Bybit manually and link it with Vestinda, check the below steps.

Create an API Key in Bybit

In order to connect your account from Bybit Exchange to Vestinda, you also need an API KEY.

An API KEY is a secure way to allow Vestinda to read your balance and automate investments. It acts as a secret authentication token and you can control the level of access. Vestinda needs read access to track your portfolio and trading access to automate your investments. No withdrawal access is needed; we forbid withdrawal permissions so please don't enable them.

Before creating an API Key with Bybit, make sure your identity is verified.

Step 1

Login to your Bybit account and go to the API section from the menu.

Step 2

Once you got to the API key list, click the Create New Key button.

Step 3

Choose System generated API key and click Next. 

Step 4

In the top section, enter a representative name for the API Key (such as Vestinda) and make sure the Read-Only option is checked. This means that this API Key cannot be used for withdrawals from your account.

Step 5

In the bottom section of the page, check Unified Trading under Trade permissions, Assets under Assets permissions, then click Submit.

Step 6

Enter the email verification and 2FA codes then click Next Step

Step 7

From the next screen, copy the API Key and API Secret to a temporary location, such as a text file.

Connect Bybit with Vestinda using the API KEY

Now that you have an API key, you can take advantage of the power of Vestinda by connecting your Bybit Exchange.

You can do this in a simple step in your Vestinda Account area. Copy the API Key and Secret Key from the temporary location and enter those in the Vestinda platform.

After clicking Connect Bybit Exchange, a success popup is presented.

You can now delete the API Key and secret from the temporary location.

Possible issues

Unified Trading Account activation (UTA)

Before anything else - you need to make sure your Bybit account is migrated to the Unified Trading Account. If you just created your account recently, you can skip this step. For the older accounts, in order to connect your account from Bybit Exchange to Vestinda you first need to enable Unified Trading Account in the Bybit platform.

The Bybit Unified Trading Account (UTA) is a versatile all-in-one account mode that offers traders access to multi-currency trading and core trading products, including Spot Trading, Spot Margin Trading, USDT Perpetual, USDC Perpetual, Futures, and USDC Options. It provides traders with a powerful option to combine trading and cross-collateral margin without switching between accounts.

From the Assets page, just click on the banner from the top of the page and follow the instructions:

A complete guide  from Bybit can be found here:

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