How to Connect Your KuCoin Account into Vestinda

In order to connect your account from Kucoin Exchange to Vestinda, you first need an API KEY.

An API KEY is a secure way to allow Vestinda to read your balance and automate investments. It acts as a secret authentication token and you can control the level of access. Vestinda needs read access to track your portfolio and trading access to automate your investments. No withdrawal access is needed; we recommend you keep this permission unselected.

Create an API key in Kucoin

Step 1

Login to your Kucoin account and go to Account API Management section from the menu. If you don’t have a Kucoin account yet, consider opening one here.

Step 2

Once you got to the API key management list, first click on Create API.

Step 3

On the new page:

  • Choose a name for your API Key, something like Vestinda to identify it easier.
  • Enter the API Passphrase. This is a password that you must remember (note it down now) as it will be used when connecting Kucoin to Vestinda.
  • Then select all Key Permissions for Trading and Reading data. You can select all other than Transfer. Once done, click on the Next button. Make sure you only use this API KEY inside the Vestinda app. You can keep no IP restriction for now.

Step 4

Once you click the Next button, you will have to put in your Trading password, ask for the code via email and introduce it + introduce the Google Authenticator code.

Step 5

You will see this screen.

Step 6

Go to your email inbox and click on the email received from Kucoin asking to activate your API. Click on Activate API button

Step 7

Once you click on the Activate API button in the email you will be taken to a page where you can copy your Key and Secret. 

Make sure you copy it from this page. It is the only time you can see the secret for the API Key. 

Congrats! 🎉

Now your API key is ready. It will appear like this in the API Management area in Kucoin.

Last Step: Connect Kucoin with Vestinda using the API KEY

Now that you have an API key, you can take advantage of the power of Vestinda by connecting your Kucoin Exchange.

You can do this in a simple step in your Vestinda Account area. Copy the API Key and Secret Key from Kucoin and enter those in Vestinda together with your Pass phrase.

Kucoin Balance in Vestinda Portfolio Tracker

The Trading balance in Kucoin exchange is located in your Trading Account.

By default, when you open an account with Kucoin your balance is in your Funding account. If you want to trade however, you need to transfer assets into your Trading account.

⚠️ Vestinda checks and shows only the available balance in your Trading account.

In order to transfer funds from the Funding Account to the Trading account in Kucoin, follow the next steps:

1. Log into KuCoin and locate your "Funding Account"

Your "Funding Account" on KuCoin can be found by selecting the "Assets" drop-down. In the drop-down, you will see options for navigating to your "Trading Account", "Funding Account", and your other Kucoin Accounts.

Click on "Funding Account"

2. Select the asset you would like to "Transfer"

Once we arrive on the "Funding Account" page, we will see the list of assets we currently have in our Funding Account, along with their respective balances.

TIP: You can search for the assets you're looking for in the search box (eg: type USDT)

Select "Transfer" on the right for each asset you want to move to your "Trading Account".

3. Input the amount you want to transfer

The last step is to input the amount you would like to transfer to your "Trading Account". Select "Confirm" to move the funds.

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