Manage open positions inside Vestinda

Manage a position when strategy is still ACTIVE

Yes, automation is great! But there are some very rare cases when you want to override your strategy with a manual intervention to an open position. For those very rare cases - Vestinda helps you with a simple button that can close the position in a matter of seconds. You can find the button in the Trading Activity area of that strategy.

The color of the button is red and how it works is that it tells the strategy to close the position even if the automated conditions set for exiting that position are not met.

The cases when you want to use this may differ - but if it was not clear enough - it should be very rare cases 😉

Once you hit the red Close button, a popup will appear that will ask you for confirmation. Once you confirm, the strategy will close the open position and update all the information.

Manage a position when strategy is INACTIVE

In Live Trading, there are cases when a position remains open in Vestinda and your strategy cannot manage it anymore. This happens when the strategy stops for various reasons. See a few examples below:

  • You stop the strategy yourself and choose to not close the open positions when stopping it
  • The strategy stops due to some error (eg: no active subscription, errors with the credentials)
  • You close the position on the Exchange directly and the strategy cannot find the balance

In all this cases, you will see some open positions in the Trading Activity for that strategy with a Close button that is greyed out.

There are 2 ways to close the open position.

You can Close trade on the Exchange. This will place a market order on the exchange and once the order is finalized it will update the position in Vestinda with the price and all statistics for the position calculated.

Or you can Mark manually as closed. This will only mark the position as close in Vestinda without sending an order to the connected Exchange. For this case, you can set the price at which to mark the order as closed. This works for syncing orders that you managed yourself on the exchange directly.

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