How to use MAX and MIN indicators
MAX and MIN indicators work like mathematical functions and return the MAX/MIN values of other indicators from a selected period.
MAX Indicator
This indicator returns the Maximum value of another indicator from the last X bars where X is the Length parameter that you can set.
The parameters you can set for the MAX indicator are detailed below
Time Interval: This is the bar period (ex: 1 minute, 1 hour, 1 week)
Source: This is the Indicator that we want get the MAX value of (ex: Close Price, MACD, etc.)
Length: This is the number of bars to look back and check the highest value of the indicator set as Source
Here are some examples that will make it super simple to understand.
If you want to obtain the maximum value of the Close Price from the past 20 days, you can set MAX indicator like below.
If you want to obtain the maximum value of the RSI from the past 50 bars of 4 hours, you can set MAX indicator like below.
MIN indicator works exactly the same, only that it returns the minimum value found in Source.