How to use Vestinda's Strategy Builder

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Vestinda's easy to use, drag and drop Strategy Builder allows you to create trading strategies with no code.

Step 1. Go into application

Once you're logged in into Vestinda app, click on Create Strategy from the left menu.

Step 2: Click on Create New Strategy button

Click on Create New Strategy from the overlay.

You'll be prompted with an interactive onboarding tour of the builder and its features. We recommend going through the tour so that you understand better how it works.

Step 3: Build the magic

Vestinda's strategy builder consists of indicators and operators that you can use in order to form your Entry (Buy) and Exit (Sell) conditions. 

Just drag and drop them into the Conditions area to create your trading strategy.


Conditions are the heart of the Strategies. These are mathematical and logical rules that you can mix together to build the logic of your trading strategy.

  • When the ENTRY condition evaluates to true, an Entry Order is placed.
  • When the EXIT condition evaluates to true, an Exit Order is placed.

Drag & Drop Indicators and Operators into the Entry / Exit areas, in order to build your Strategy conditions.


You can use any of the available indicators on the left to build your strategy. Technical indicators are tools used by traders and analysts to analyze historical price data, identify trends, and make informed decisions about potential future price movements in financial markets. These indicators are based on mathematical calculations and statistical measures applied to various aspects of price and volume data. Technical analysis, which involves the use of these indicators, is a method widely used in trading, especially in the context of stocks, forex, cryptocurrencies, and commodities. Read more about technical analysis.

Also, see a full list of Available Indicators in Vestinda.

How to setup an indicator

Most indicators have a Time Interval that can range from 1 minute to 1 week. This is the bar (or candlestick) length. It is what you see on the

  • Lower intervals mean more aggressive strategies.
  • Strategies with bigger intervals will trade less often.

Indicators also have specific settings and parameters. Each indicators has it's own set of parameters. Make sure you read about each of the parameters, and test different setups that work best for you by modifying this settings and backtesting it.

For most Indicators, you can set different parameters being another indicator. This is what is called Indicator on Indicator or Indicator Compounding. You can change source of indicators by selecting a different indicator when available as a parameter. For the example above, instead of having a typical MACD on Close price, we could have a MACD on RSI. You just need to change the Source and select Relative Strength Index instead of Close price.

How cool is that? 😎

Now - it doesn't even stop here. You can change the parameters of the internal indicators, like the RSI in the above case. Instead of doing a MACD on RSI (14) you can do a MACD on RSI(10) by clicking on the RSI link in the breadcrumb and change the Length to be 10.


Indicators and operators form together expressions that trigger your Buy and Sell conditions.

Operators must follow math & logical rules when coupled with indicators.

Order of precendece

General Operators precedence is: Logical first, then Relational, and Arithmetic at the end.

The order of precedence for Logical Operators is: logical conjunctions (AND) are performed first, and logical disjunctions (OR) are performed next.

The order of precedence for Arithmetic Operators is division/multiplication first and then addition/subtraction; working from left to right.

TIP: You can always use parentheses to change the default precedence.

Entry settings

Risk Management Settings

You can choose different Risk Management strategies for your trades

Please make sure you understand how Stop LossTake Profit, and other Safeties work.

You can also choose how the Order will be placed on Exchange for real investing:

  • either LIMIT
  • or MARKET.

MARKET orders are placed at a price that increases chances of FILL based on the Order Book. Read more about this here


You have your first strategy created.

Step 4: Validate and automate

Congrats! πŸŽ‰

Now you can validate your trading strategy using Backtesting and Demo Trading

Once you're confident enough, you can start Real Trading.

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